In 9Lives Arena, a powerful race of warriors known as the Draconians once roamed the stars, thriving on one-on-one deathmatches. After a catastrophic collision with the ancient city of Atlantis, they became entangled with humanity through time-bending experiments. Fascinated by Earth’s own legendary heroes, they summoned warriors from across time to engage in the ultimate test of skill—battles where each fighter is granted a mystical belt allowing up to nine resurrections. Only those who survive these trials can claim true immortality.
9Lives Arena offers a unique blend of RPG elements and competitive PvP combat:
Character Creation: Players have the freedom to build their heroes without fixed classes, selecting from various weapon arts, spells, and abilities to suit their preferred playstyle.
Training and Progression: Engage in training arenas to level up, unlock talents, and refine combat strategies. The game features persistent account-wide progression, allowing for continuous development across multiple characters.
Permadeath Mechanics: In the 9Lives Arena, each character has nine lives. Losing all lives results in permanent death, turning the character into a statue displayed in the player’s hall of fame. This system adds stakes to each battle, emphasizing strategic planning and skillful execution.
Ooogy Companion: Players are accompanied by Ooogy, a cross-platform companion who assists with resource gathering, crafting, and other tasks, even when the player is offline. Keeping Ooogy well-fed and assigning tasks via the upcoming mobile app enhances gameplay efficiency.
The game’s economy integrates blockchain technology, providing players with true ownership of in-game assets:
Blueprints and Crafting: Players can acquire blueprints to craft unique weapons, armor, and items. These blueprints are tradable NFTs, allowing for a player-driven economy where crafted items can be bought, sold, or traded.
Ooogy NFTs: Each Ooogy companion is a unique NFT with distinct traits. Players can trade Ooogies, and their progression and abilities add value within the game’s ecosystem.
In-Game Marketplace: The marketplace facilitates the trading of items, blueprints, and other assets, fostering a dynamic economic environment where players’ in-game achievements and creations hold tangible value.
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Game Info
Developer: Touchhour
Genre: Action RPG, RPG
Blockchain: Enjin
Platform: Windows
Status: Playable
MVP Release Year: 2023
Payment Model: Free-to-Play
Play Style: PvP
Earning Model: Not Available
Token Name: No Token
No Token
Distribution Channels
NFT Markets
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