“Splinterlands,” launched in 2018, is a blockchain-based trading card game that revolutionized the NFT gaming space. Known for its rapid, action-packed matches, it offers a unique experience compared to the slower-paced strategies of games like “Gods Unchained” or “Cross The Ages.” With its vast collection of cards and dynamic gameplay, “Splinterlands” has carved a niche for itself in the blockchain gaming arena.
The world of “Splinterlands” is divided into ‘splinters,’ cultural and societal groups with shared goals and allegiances. These splinters coexist in a landscape shaped by unity and strife, dominated by the Chaos Legion and its oppressive Kalamenty System. Silus of the Rift leads this regime, which has unified major splinters under one banner. However, resistance flourishes through groups like the Riftwatchers, who fight for freedom and justice. From the Khymerian Order of the Silver Shield to the Anumian criminal enterprises, each splinter contributes to the ongoing battle for identity and liberty in the Splinterlands.
“Splinterlands” stands out for its fast-paced and accessible gameplay. Matches last only 2-3 minutes, making it ideal for players seeking quick, engaging sessions. Players draft teams of up to six cards from their collection and enter automatically resolved battles. Each match is governed by unique rulesets, ensuring no two battles are alike and requiring constant strategy adaptation.
This innovative drafting style and quick resolution mechanics contrast with traditional, turn-based trading card games, offering a fresh and dynamic experience for blockchain card game enthusiasts.
NFTs and Economy
The economy of “Splinterlands” is built around its extensive NFT ecosystem and multiple in-game currencies. Cards in the game exist as NFTs, each with unique attributes, and can be traded, sold, or rented on the marketplace.
Dark Energy Crystals (DEC), the primary in-game currency, are earned through battles and used for purchasing cards, entering tournaments, and conducting marketplace transactions. Splintershards (SPS), the game’s governance token, empowers players to participate in decision-making processes and can be staked for rewards. Players can also use Splinterlands credits to purchase cards and booster packs.
Unique to “Splinterlands” is its land ownership system, which provides players with resources and strategic advantages. This comprehensive economic model, integrating NFTs, DEC, SPS, and land ownership, creates a deeply engaging and immersive experience for players.
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Game Info
Developer: Steem Monsters Corp
Genre: Fantasy, TCG
Blockchain: Not Available
Platform: Browser
Status: Playable
Release Year: 2019 and earlier
Payment Model: Free-to-Play
Play Style: PvP, Single-player
Earning Model: Not Available
Token Name: SPS
Distribution Channels
NFT Markets
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